Saturday, April 21, 2007

Creme Brulee

OK it is not Saint Joseph's Day, the 19th of March, the day of the year that you eat Catalan creme brulee. But now and then I like to make crema catalana, which you probably know as creme brulee.

The secret of this mouthwatering dessert is burning the creme brulee properly. As the Catalan saying goes: La crema, si és ben cremada, a xics i grans els agrada, which means: When properly burned, kids and grown-ups love to eat creme.

In my web site I have published a step-by-step creme brulee recipe. I encourage you to try it. It is not particularly difficult if you follow the instructions. And it really is a delicious dessert.

Follow the fourth step to the letter. It is crucial for the success of your creme brulee and it was never revealed until now.

If your creme brulee tastes like English custard, you didn't get authentic crema catalana. I lived in London for a while, I ate custard several times and I know they are very different.



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