Pasta dish for a lazy Saturday
Today we didn't feel like cooking but at the same time we were hungry and wanted to eat well. So I decided to cook a pasta dish.
We used to call this pasta recipe macarrons a la italiana, although to my knowledge nobody prepares them like this in Italy. Anyway, these penne rigate or macaroni au gratin are the Catalan way and they are delicious and easy. And quite quick actually: In half an hour you can prepare a one dish meal that feels like a real meal.
You can use macaroni or penne rigate, whatever pasta type you prefer.
Now that I think of it, in my web site I have published a more elaborate but similar macaroni and cheese recipe. It is a step by step recipe with the exact times and ingredient amount.
But if you like to cook without measuring exact cooking times and ingredient amounts, here's the pasta recipe.
Ingredients: 1/2 pound penne or macaroni; 1 onion, 4 or 5 small ripe tomatoes, 5 or 6 raw pork sausages, flat Italian parsley, parmigiano or another cheese for grating, salt
How to prepare this pasta dish
Heat olive oil in a saucepan and add the chopped onion. Cook for a while and add the sausage and the parsley. Cook for some minutes. Add the peeled and chopped tomato. Cook for at least 20 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat and stir into the cooked pasta. Put the pasta in a baking dish. Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese to taste over the pasta and broil for 7 or 8 minutes. Serve hot.
An orange or apple piece as dessert completes this lazy Saturday Mediterranean diet menu.
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Cooking pasta
Peeling tomatoes
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© Núria Roig,
Labels: pasta, pasta recipes
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